
For a recruitment marketing strategy to be successful, it’s essential to showcase your employer brand throughout the candidate journey. But, without the right tools, building your employer brand can feel like an uphill battle. Recruitment marketing technology, helps hiring teams take control of their strategy, and build their employer brand throughout each stage of the recruiting process.


What is an employer brand?

An employer brand is the first impression a potential candidate has of your company. It shapes the way candidates and jobseekers view your organization in the market. It’s more than just a logo, or some graphics: it’s the embodiment of your values, culture, and reputation. 

You can cultivate and showcase your employer brand through the content and messages you share through every candidate touchpoint —from your career site, to your interviewing process to your onboarding process, and beyond. 


Why do you need an employer brand?

Promoting your employer brand across your career site and external recruitment channels is critical to a proactive recruitment strategy. It allows candidates to self-determine whether they’d be a good fit for the company — and vice versa.  Having a compelling employer brand can:


Help attract top talent

Why should jobseekers choose to work for your company? A strong employer brand helps your organization stand out from competitors and position itself as an employer of choice. Build pipelines of eager candidates, ready for when the right role arises. 


Decrease recruiting expenses

Employer branding strategies can reduce sourcing costs by up to 50%. What’s more, by embracing this proactive approach, companies often see a faster time-to-hire, and candidates report a better recruiting experience. 


Increase employee engagement 

When promoting your employer brand, your current workforce can be your greatest advocates —it’s important to reinforce their investment in the organization too. By getting employees involved with your employer branding efforts, you’ll increase retention and boost engagement. 


How to grow your employer brand with recruitment marketing 


1. Craft a stand-out career site

Building an employer brand starts with your career site —it’s often the first point of interaction for potential candidates. To stand out in a sea of job listings, design a captivating, user-friendly career site. Use compelling visuals, share your company’s mission and values, and provide insights into your culture. A stand-out career site serves as a powerful showcase of your brand identity, setting the stage for an authentic and appealing employer brand.


2. Build trust through employee-generated content 

Harness the power of your employees to create authentic content. Encourage them to share their experiences, accomplishments, and insights on your career site and social media channels. Genuine employee-generated content fosters trust and connection with prospective candidates: it offers an insider’s perspective on your company culture, work environment, and opportunities for growth. By showcasing the real experiences of your team members, you reinforce the authenticity of your employer brand, to proactively attract talent who align with your values and culture.


3. Refine your strategy through heat-mapping and analytics

To continually refine your employer brand, you need to understand what’s working and what’s not on your careers site. Heat-mapping analytics can reveal where candidates focus their attention, what content resonates with them, and which areas may need tweaking. With this data, you can fine-tune your content and design, to ensure your employer brand messages are being communicated effectively. This data-driven approach helps strengthen your employer brand to optimize your talent acquisition strategy.


Building a strong employer brand is essential for attracting quality candidates to your organization. Clinch helps companies optimize, analyze, and automate their recruitment strategies, to drive greater ROI and maximize their sourcing budgets. Ready to get started? Request a demo today.

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