
Automation is a key aspect of the Clinch platform offering. From career site and landing page creation, to candidate communication and database management, Clinch applies automation to ensure your company puts its best foot forward and delivers a candidate experience that’s sure to position you as an employer of choice.

The Clinch Workflows tool plays a big part in that. 

We listen intently to feedback from our customers and where possible, we work to accommodate their feature wishes and requests – especially when we believe them to be of potential benefit to existing and future users of the platform, too.

With that in mind, we’re delighted to share the latest enhancements to our Clinch Workflows tool:

  • ATS Native Status as a workflow step: Now, you can send an automated email to candidates triggered by an ATS Native Status change. For example, when a candidate is progressed through to “Phone Screening,” “Interview” or “Offer Letter,” let Clinch Workflows send an automated email to keep them up-to-date and advise them on next steps.  

  • Workflow duplication: In addition to copying landing pages, job page templates, and calls-to-action, you can now duplicate workflows, too. This comes in handy if you find yourself building the same workflow time and time again with only one variable factor in each, e.g. the call-to-action trigger or the automated email.

  • Archive and unarchive workflows: your workflows may run indefinitely or only for a short time. Manage your list by archiving those not currently in use. The “unarchive” function allows you to recover previously archived Workflows quickly and easily, replacing the original “delete” function which rendered a workflow gone forever.

Workflows Reporting 

  • Workflow drill-down: As with landing pages, jobs, blogs, videos, and emails, drill-down is now available for workflow funnels in Reports, too. Click into any of the numbers in blue for the list of candidates who fall into that particular stage. 
  • Measuring effectiveness: For each individual Workflow in Reports, beneath the funnels for Workflow emails and Revisited Applications, you will now see a ratio for ‘Number of Candidates Hired : Number of Candidates Who Opened an email from this Workflow’ and ‘Number of Candidates Hired : Number of Candidates Who Revisited an Incomplete Application as a result of an Email from this Workflow.’ Identify quickly and easily which workflows are working for you. 


For more information on or help implementing any of the above, please get in touch. Drop us a line at

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