
Tech stacks are a combination of technologies that consist of best of breed point solutions, programming languages, and front and back-end tools connected through an application programming interface (API) to run a larger application or project. 

The concept of a tech stack originated in the development industry, as many IT professionals rely on a variety of programs to parse through and digest large amounts of data. However, tech stacks reach beyond developers and are an invaluable tool for marketing, sales, and recruitment teams alike.

Must-have tech stack for recruiters

When utilizing recruitment marketing software, it’s important to focus on workflow and where efficiency is most needed. To help do this, here is the technology and software needed to build the ideal recruiting tech stack for 2022. 

1. Candidate relationship management (CRM)

Candidate relationship management software tends to be the backbone of a recruiter’s tech stack through which other programs run APIs and then gather information to generate comprehensive reports. CRMs act as a database to monitor passive candidates, check active candidate progression through the recruitment process, store documents and information, and more.

2. Career website

When a candidate finds a job they’re interested in, chances are they’re going to try to track down the company’s career site. A well-organized, visually appealing landing page can leave candidates with a great first impression of what it’s like to work for that company. Here, showcase employer branding, display testimonials from current staff, and list all open positions in case a candidate qualifies for multiple jobs.

3. Chatbots

Chatbots, which are becoming more and more common on e-commerce sites, afford recruitment teams the flexibility of efficiently communicating with many candidates simultaneously  to best funnel them through the hiring process. This removes the burden on HR team members of having to answer repetitive questions, freeing them up to have face-to-face meetings with serious, high-quality candidates. This is all accomplished while continuing an automated communication process with other potential employees.

4. SMS text marketing

Mobile text marketing is still a new technology, but it’s an incredibly effective one. In fact, according to Gartner, SMS campaigns have a 98 percent open rate. In comparison, email marketing campaigns yield an open rate of only 20 percent. The nearly-perfect open rate of text campaigns gives recruiters the ability to reach and connect with potential candidates quickly, effectively, and clearly. 

5. Email automation

Though the open rate is less than text campaigns, email automation is a popular choice to include in tech stacks for many reasons. Not only is it a scalable communication method, but the automation makes moving candidates through the recruiting process relatively seamless, especially when paired with other pieces of a tech stack like chatbots and text campaigns.
Email automation is a recruiter’s most powerful tool in connecting communication dots throughout the recruitment process and creating an empowering and transparent hiring experience. 

6. Social media automation

While employee referrals are a great way to find quality candidates, it’s important to cast a wide net. This is where social media automation comes into play, enabling recruiters to distribute job postings from talent networks to social media outlets like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and more. If customized correctly, the automation can serve specific ads to specific audiences and operate in a manner that best suits a team’s recruiting needs. 

Want to ensure you are attracting, mobilizing, and engaging the best candidates for your company’s open positions? Clinch can help. For a free site audit and to discover how we can revolutionize your hiring workflow, contact Clinch today. 


Top tips for HR professionals
