Watch now: What matters to candidates in 2022

Today’s candidates are not the same as yesterday’s. They are empowered. They are taking control of their careers. They know what kind of employer they want to work for. In a world of talent scarcity and higher expectations, employers have to make a concerted effort to engage and connect with candidates in a deeper and more personal way. 

Successful recruiters and TA leaders understand what the best candidates want to know about their potential employer. Do you?

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • What jobseekers really want to know based on Clinch research
  • The type of information you need to share on career sites, in messaging, and in candidate communications
  • How to share and respond to candidate questions
  • How to use employee stories to create engaging, authentic candidate experiences 

Based on real data from candidates, we’ll share openly about the kinds of questions candidates ask, how and where you should be answering them, and more. This highly practical session will give you some great ideas for how to strengthen your approach to talent acquisition in the coming weeks and months. 

Top tips for HR professionals
