
“Based on your experience as a candidate, how likely are you to refer friends and/or family to our company?” 

It’s a simple question, but don’t be fooled. When it comes to its role in who and how your company recruits, this one little question can be a game changer.


This question, and the response it garners, is integral to a company’s ability to calculate its NPS – or Net Promoter Score – one metric that’s fast becoming an essential KPI for companies with an eye on growth.

What is NPS, exactly?

In the traditional marketing context, Net Promoter Score, is the leading measure of customer loyalty to a brand. In recruiting, it enables companies to measure candidate loyalty.

Why that’s important

Because, more often that not, your candidates are your customers, too. In 2014, Virgin Media calculated revenue losses in the region of £4.4 million when 6% of the company’s total number of applicants ( who were also customers) switched to a Virgin competitor as result of a poor candidate experience during the recruitment process.

The impact of employment brand on consumer brand, and ultimately, on the company’s bottom line, cannot be debated. That’s why it pays –literally– to get your candidate experience right. Not only does a positive recruitment experience and strong employment brand give you greater leverage when it comes to nurturing talent for hard-to-fill roles, it can also result in some candidates becoming customers, too.

NPS delivers the insight you need to identify whether or not your candidate experience, and by association, your candidates, are working for you – or against you. 

How it works

  • You, the employer, invite your applicants to provide a score between 0 and 10 based on the experience they had as a candidate applying for a job.
  • Anyone who submits a score of 9 or 10 is a “promoter”
  • Anyone who submits a score or 6 or below, is a “detractor.”
  • Those whose score falls in between, are “passives.”
  • To calculate the NPS, subtract the “detractors” as a percentage from the “promoters” as a percentage.

With the lowest possible score -100 (i.e every candidate is a detractor,) anything above ‘0’ is considered “Good.” Scores above ‘50’ are considered ‘Excellent,’ and those above ‘70,’ ‘World Class.’

Build your NPS with Clinch

As part of our onboarding process, Clinch gives new customers the option of setting up an NPS workflow – or workflows.

Leveraging proven marketing automation techniques, Workflow is a series of actions triggered automatically when a candidate completes a specific call-to-action. In the first use case, where the focus is on the quality of service pre-apply, once a candidate completes a job application, an email is triggered that includes an NPS survey link.

This NPS workflow is designed to allow employers to evaluate candidate loyalty to your brand, and gauge the quality of the candidate experience up to the point of an application having been submitted.

Post-apply, employers have the option of activating a second NPS workflow, triggered by a candidate status change in the ATS. For example, once a candidate is moved to ‘Hired’ or ‘Rejected’ and an appropriate period of time has passed, the email is triggered that references the recent change and includes a link to another one-question NPS survey.

This NPS workflow is designed to allow employers to evaluate candidate loyalty to your brand, gauge the quality of the candidate experience post-apply, and track recruiting team performance, too. 

It’s worth noting that every email is automatically personalized to each individual candidate and can be rich-media friendly, branded to meet with your company’s guidelines, or plain text, thanks to the flexibility offered by Clinch’s comprehensive email feature. As part of the Workflow function, these emails can be delivered at intervals determined by the employer, with the opportunity to ‘delay’ the action that follows the application submission or status change by a number of days, hours, or minutes.

Clinch Workflows run continuously, or until you push “pause” and the effectiveness of each is fully trackable in the platform’s Reports section.

Customer feedback

​Overall, the feedback form our customers using the NPS Workflow has been extremely positive. Since deploying Clinch, one team has seen its top-of-the-funnel NPS increase steadily to where it is now, at 78, rendering its candidate experience as “world class.” This is a big deal when you consider the strong correlation between NPS and revenue growth.

For more information, get in touch at or request a demo below. 


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