
After the COVID-19 pandemic forced organizations to adopt remote work arrangements, companies are starting to embrace hybrid work systems and flexible schedules. Hybrid work environments are a key recruitment tactic to attract talented candidates to your company. Most American workers would take a pay cut if it meant they could work from home, and 39% of employees say they’d consider leaving their job if their employer didn’t allow remote working options. Having hybrid working models shows candidates that you value their work-life balance and embrace flexibility. Here’s how to showcase your hybrid environment to new candidates.

What is a hybrid work environment? 

A hybrid work environment is a partially remote, partially in-person working arrangement that many businesses use today. Not only is it an attractive recruitment tactic, but it’s also an efficient way to run your business. 

To keep workers safe during the uncertainty of the pandemic, many offices are limiting capacity and offering a hybrid work environment in which employees come into the office on certain days or shifts and work remotely on the other days. To keep staff connected no matter where they work, companies use video conferencing, cloud storage, and VPNs to allow for seamless work. 

Recruiting candidates for your hybrid work environment

1. Define your hybrid work expectations

Before you can attract jobseekers with a flexible  hybrid work environment, you have to put clear structures in place. Work with your internal team to determine what the parameters of your flexible work schedules are. Because every business and industry operates differently, your own hybrid work environment doesn’t need to mirror others. Some businesses may have a set schedule for when their employees come into the office, while others may let their employees  dictate their schedule.

Take a look at what your business needs operationally and how frequently you need workers in the office. Then, ask your team what their priorities are and what they would prefer in a flexible work schedule. While you may not be able to accommodate every need, their input will help you put an informed policy in place.

2. Highlight your flexibility

When you’re trying to recruit candidates, don’t just make your hybrid work environment one of many benefits on a list. Advertise it clearly on your careers site and on your job listings so that applicants know it is a perk when they apply. After having to work completely remotely because of the pandemic, many workers do not wish to return to the office full time. According to Forbes, 76% of workers do not want to return to full-time office work and 93% want flexibility as to when they’ll work. For those looking for a new job, that makes any hybrid work environment incredibly appealing to them. And for top-tier candidates, it could be the difference between choosing you or deciding to work with a competitor. 

3. Effectively communicate with candidates

Many talented candidates are looking for companies that offer a hybrid work environment or flexible hours. When recruiting new candidates, your hybrid work expectations should be transparent from the beginning. Let them know your expectations  and explain how they’ll be productive both in-office and remotely. Since there are many different ways to structure a hybrid work environment, be as specific as possible in your discussion. All of this should be clearly established and written down for candidates to refer to. 

Because of the ever-changing nature of the pandemic, you should also let your candidates know if this policy should ever change. There may be projects that require your team to collaborate in-office. There may also be instances when your employees will be working remotely rather than in-office. Let candidates know this is a possibility and under what circumstances changes will be made.

Even if you offer a hybrid work environment, it can be hard to find the right person for your role. The experts at Clinch can help you speed up the process and find the perfect candidate. Contact us today to get a free demo.

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