
When recruiting new talent for your organization, it helps to collect candidate data in a customer relationship management (CRM) database that stores and organizes all information.

However, a database is only as good as the information it holds. Here are 10 CRM upkeep tips to have the best, most relevant information in your recruitment CRM database.

1. Prepare the database before recruiting

When you’re about to start recruiting new employees for your business, it’s important to plan ahead for your database so information can be entered right away — and properly. Consider creating a plan with your HR team that defines what you’re trying to achieve with the database, how you’d like all information to be stored and different categories you’d like to create. 

2. Use an applicant tracking system

To properly manage your CRM database, you’ll want to use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to help match qualified candidates with your open job positions. An ATS can analyze candidates’ data and resumes, as well as increase your outreach on various job boards. Some platforms allow you to connect directly with your ATS to better manage and track your candidate data.

3. Use a screen category filter

It’s important to screen your applicants’ resumes before storing their information in your database. This goes for candidates who apply directly to your company or who are pulled through your ATS. A screen category filter can help you scan for candidates in the future as well, using demographics like location, age, experiences, skills, and more.

4. Use skills over keywords

Rather than using certain keywords to categorize candidates, utilize specific and related skills instead. You can then search your database by particular skills to review the list of qualified candidates. This will help you access your talent more easily and match them to an open job position for which you’d like to vet applicants.

5. Create segments in your database

Segmenting your database will allow you to access and sort through your information more efficiently. Specific segments can include skills, location, language, experience, and more, making it easier to keep everything organized and find specific candidates. Additionally, you can add necessary tags that match the specific qualifications you’re searching for, which will help you quickly zero in on the most promising prospects.

6. Set guidelines for candidates entering data

To ensure your database stays organized, set some guidelines for candidates when inputting data. By having everyone enter their data in the same way, and using previous candidates as examples, you’ll be sure to maintain consistency, which will increase your efficiency when shortlisting candidates..

7. Encourage collaboration

The more hands you have on deck when managing your database, the more efficient you’ll be in maintaining it. Allow members of HR and your recruiting team to access your database to make the most of your recruitment efforts. 

8. Avoid duplicates

Often, you’ll come across duplicate entries in your database. This is an inevitable issue most businesses come across when using CRM databases for recruiting, so staying on top of it will save you a lot of time in the long run. Otherwise, you might end up with way more entries than you actually have available to you, creating more of a mess than necessary. 

9. Schedule routine cleanups

Considering the amount of data they hold, databases naturally get messy and disorganized. That’s why it’s a great habit to routinely schedule cleanups —either by you, someone in your organization, or by an expert.

10. Build rapport with candidates

The information in your database can only do so much if you’re not using it to your advantage by regularly checking in with candidates. It’s important to build rapport with and engage applicants whenever possible: that way, you’ll always have a pool of engaged prospects to draw from. .

Need help with your recruitment and hiring efforts? Clinch’s powerful and configurable CRM can assist recruiters and talent teams to attract and engage candidates around the clock.

Top tips for HR professionals
