
98% of text messages will be opened. In comparison, the average open rate for recruiting emails is 18-20%. It comes as no surprise, then, that in today’s candidate-driven market, SMS is fast becoming the most effective way to engage and connect with talent in real-time, through their channel of choice. 

Clinch makes it easy to create, send, and reply to candidate texts from several key areas within the platform. For a more high-level look at candidate communication, our Shared Inbox is a centralized repository where you can view and manage all conversations. Whatever your preferred approach to SMS text messaging, Clinch makes connecting with candidates fast, easy, and effective. 

How it Works

1:1 Conversation

Create and send 1:1 messages and view two-way communication histories between recruiters and candidates. Texts can be composed, sent, viewed, and replied to from both the candidate’s profile page (below), and the popup modal accessed by clicking on a candidate’s name in the grid. 

Manage All Conversations

SMS is the latest addition to the Clinch CRM communications suite, which means texts can also be viewed and replied to from the platform’s Shared Inbox feature – making it easy to track, manage, and share candidate conversations in one, centralized location. Filter by date and view all conversations (‘SHARED’) or yours alone (‘MINE.’) Create and send reply texts from the Clinch web platform. 

Automated Messaging

Automation features are part of what makes the Clinch platform stand out  –  reduced recruiter chore, improved applicant drop-off, and increased career site conversion rates being just some of the benefits experienced by our customers.

Now, users can avail of our automation capabilities in conjunction with SMS messaging, too.

When SMS is added as a Workflow step, candidates who trigger that Workflow will receive an automated text message composed by you, the user. Real-time engagement based on candidate behavior; pretty powerful stuff. 

Use-Case Inspiration

There are a number of ways in which Clinch SMS can be used to connect with candidates:

  • Leverage automation to deliver an application receipt text message to everyone who applies for a job or let them know that their application is under review.
  • At a recruitment event? Use Clinch SMS to follow-up with everyone who registers at your booth. 
  • Send a “Welcome” text to everyone who signs up for your talent network. 
  • Engage candidates on a 1:1 basis by sharing next steps post-application, or inviting them to apply. 

And the opportunities for real-time candidate engagement don’t end there. With the Clinch chatbot due for release very soon, users can look forward to a faster, easier way of capturing candidate details, as well as the creation of a simpler, more streamlined candidate experience that brings the conversational approach to helping them find and apply for jobs.

If you’re an existing customer and you’d like to get started with Clinch SMS, please contact

Interested in learning more about SMS and the Clinch recruitment marketing platform and CRM in general? Request a demo, and we’ll be in touch!

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