
It’s lights-up on 2022 and with the shadow of Covid-19 still looming large, one thing is certain: the world of work is forever changed and so, too, is recruiting.

The ‘Great Resignation’ is underway, and the candidate-driven labor market is back. Employers are struggling with both attracting and retaining talent. The hiring landscape is fiercely competitive and with their survival at stake, companies cannot afford to be presumptive nor reactive in their attitude to finding new talent. Inbound is out. Proactive recruitment is key. 

Here, we list five actionable recruitment marketing resolutions that will help you bring your A-game in 2022.

Keep it simple

Covid-19 and the lockdowns that followed changed how people view, value, and use their time. This, considered within the context of the candidate-driven labor market, means that candidates are less inclined than ever to jump through hoops and wade through lengthy job applications. Get on their good side by making it fast and easy to express interest in your company or jobs. By providing the path of least resistance and making it a priority to capture key details only at the earliest opportunity, you lay the foundation for effective candidate nurture from the outset – reducing drop off and improving your chances of conversion in the long-run.  

Engage on your candidates’ terms 

With the majority of employees favouring a continuation of the remote working that for so many companies has been key to their survival during the pandemic, the preferred working model of potential employer has become one of the deciding factors for any candidate weighing up their employment options in 2022. Whether fully remote or hybrid, be sure to communicate and demonstrate commitment to your company’s flexible working model from the earliest stages of the candidate journey. Consider hosting a virtual job fair or live chat with your recruiters and hiring managers; conduct video interviews, and/or use automation to deliver application status updates by SMS. Prove to candidates that you are willing to meet them where they are, and engage on their terms. 

Be authentic

When it comes to researching potential employers, did you know that job descriptions, company culture and work-life balance count for only 13% of the information candidates want to know? Research by PathMotion, a PageUp company, lists the following three things as being top of mind for candidates seeking information on a company:

  • 17% interview tips
  • 16% career advice
  • 10% day-to-day employee life 

What’s more, candidates want this information direct from their most trusted source -your employees, past and present. Acknowledge this and cater to your candidates’ needs by showcasing more Employee Generated Content (EGC) in the form of team-member interviews, “day-in-the-life” features, Instagram hashtags, and blogs, to list just a few. When it  comes to attracting and retaining the best-fit talent for your organisation, the efficacy of your candidate-facing content and communications ultimately comes down to one single thing; authenticity. Your job as a recruitment marketer is to embrace and amplify what’s real.

Be bold

Recruitment Marketing takes its lead from traditional Marketing, success in which relies on one’s willingness to be bold – to think outside the box. This year, as companies go head to head in their quest to attract and retain top talent, fortune will, indeed, favour the brave, so look for opportunities to stand out. Consider your existing job descriptions, email campaigns, and automated communications, for example. Experiment with tone, design, voice, and frequency. Use Reports in Recruitment Marketing to measure the effectiveness of any changes implemented. Seek feedback from your candidates. Iterate and innovate to succeed.

Celebrate skills

At a time when the demand for talent far outstrips supply, many companies are turning their attention inwards as a starting point in their efforts to fill the skills gap. It’s a smart move, because right now, savvy sourcing is about utilising the resources already available to you and surfacing the talent that’s hiding in plain sight. This means looking beyond work history or job title as a gauge for suitability, and instead, zoning in on skillset. Where a need has been identified, first, separate out the required skills. Then, search, sort, and segment your talent pools (both internal and external candidates) based on relevant aptitude. You might just find your perfect candidate for Marketing Job A in the silver medalists list of applicants for Customer Support Job B.


As the competition for talent continues to heat-up, recruiters everywhere are feeling the pinch of fewer resources and an ever-increasing workload. For those companies looking not just to survive 2022 and beyond, but to thrive, adopting a proactive recruiting approach is key. This year, resolve to embrace and action the mindsets and measures listed above as part of a recruitment marketing strategy tailor made for the times we live in.

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