
With recent news of corporate hacks and massive identity fraud, people are becoming more protective of their data and the information they share online. As a business recruiting new employees, you’ll want to make it transparent that all the information candidates are sharing with you is safe. You can ensure this by using our recruitment CRM to collect candidates’ application information.

Cybersecurity and candidate information 

Cybersecurity is more important than ever to protect your company’s electronic data and information. Companies with a poor reputation when it comes to data privacy and security may have a harder time finding applicants for open positions. 

As job seekers start applying for jobs, they have good reason to be wary of where they store their data. When applying for a job listing online, most applications ask candidates to provide personal information which may include:

  • Full name
  • Address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Social Security number (SSN)
  • Employment history
  • Education and experience
  • Work eligibility
  • Personal and professional references

With access to this information, a hacker could easily access someone’s personal accounts or create false accounts in their name. With so many people applying to open job listings online, companies are a prime target for cybercriminals as they have access to so much personal data. 

Recruiters need this information to get a holistic view of an applicant. Their personal information, education, and employment history gives you an idea of who they are as a worker, and their SSN is needed to run certain background checks with their consent. It is impossible to have a complete profile of a person without this information, so you must have strict processes in place to keep it safe.

Why candidate data is safer in a recruitment CRM

Using customer relationship management (CRM) software can help keep your candidate’s information safe. Here’s why:

1. Only essential employees have access

Most data theft is committed by internal employees. In some situations, this occurs when an individual takes customer leads and information from the company they are leaving to their new company. In other cases, an employee may inadvertently cause a data leak that exposes sensitive information. When applicant information is openly available on a company’s network, anyone can access it, from entry-level employees to executives. By using a recruitment CRM, you can control who in your company has access to candidate information and monitor who is accessing it.

2. CRM providers have multiple layers of security

Most CRM software allows administrators to customize and manage security settings. This includes creating a security structure that works best for the company. Users can have access to data based on either their role, profile type, or group base. 

CRMs also offer different types of security systems that work together to create an incredibly robust level of protection. Most offer data encryption, specific IP addresses, territory management, firewalls, and VPNs to work in conjunction with your current security systems.

3. You’ll have more control over data

CRM software stores all your candidates’ information in one place, which makes it easy for you to organize and access this data whenever you need. Their data will be more secure if it lives in one place as opposed to in various networks and cloud systems.

Federal law states that companies with 15 or more employees need to retain applicant information for at least one year. This time period becomes longer the more employees you have. A recruitment CRM allows you to safely store all the applicant information you accumulate over time. 

Are you looking for a way to attract top talent and manage high volumes of applications? Clinch allows you to build a custom CRM that keeps your applicant’s data safe. Contact us today to see how we can work together. 

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