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2023 recruitment marketing planning kit


Welcome to the first steps in planning for your Talent Acquisition strategies and programs for 2023. This guide consists of 4 parts that will help you to put the strategies, the team, and the plans in place to deliver recruiting success in 2023!

While planning makes the world go ‘round, (according to all of our project manager friends out there) we also know there is a certain amount of reactivity and responsiveness that must be accounted for when you are planning out your talent acquisition team’s year. That segment of your spreadsheet that remains flexible and open to inevitable scenarios that pop up unexpectedly. Looking back at your previous year is an informative first step when it comes to planning for your next year. This helps you take a critical look at what went according to your annual plan, and what circumstances forced you to pivot, including what enabled or prevented you from meeting your goals.


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Everything you need to get started with recruitment marketing.
